Q. how do you know you are booking a great Elvis Tribute Artist/Impersonator.

One of the problems clients have when booking an Elvis Tribute Artist/Impersonator is deciding whether the tribute artist is any good. Four key aspects which makes good elvis tribute artists are firstly 1) Are they a professional singer 2) Do they look like elvis 3) are they entertaining and 4) Quality of costumes.

firstly before booking any elvis impersonator for a wedding or function, clients should view live videos which have been taken as recently as possible. Although videos are not as good as real thing, they will give you an indication on the look or performer, vocal ability and overall stage presence.

The most important aspect in my opinion is vocals and if the Elvis tribute artist lacks in this there is a great possibility that your function will be ruined.

Ask the impersonator to view what costumes he has on offer and if they are replica costumes Elvis actually wore as this will determine the quality of the outfits and ensire they will look good on stage. 99% of time, if the costumes are not made by costume company or tailor as a replica of original, then they will most probably be a cheap knockoff which will be noticable on stage.

Another great indication of whether the Elvis Tribute Artist is a bone fide performer is if they have won any major contests. Contests place the Elvis Tribute artist against other performers of the  same craft and they are judged by a panel of judges on how close they are to the real thing. The international competition namely The Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Competition (UETA) is a great indicator of the quality of the performer and if they have won this competition in their country, then without a doubt they should have what it takes to ease your mind and put on a great show covering all above concerns.

So if you are looking for an Elvis Tribute Artist for your next function, NIC KING is a sure bet 0 not only professional singer, has the look and has come runner up in the ultimate Elvis Tribute Contest  in Australia 2016 and won the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Competition in Australia 2017.


Q. What should I look for when hiring a speakers/PA system for the performance?

A constant question we get as an entertainment business relates to PA system and speakers at weddings and functions. The usual problems are:

1) are the speakers good enough?

2) are the powerful enough for your function?

There is usually a big difference in speakers that can be used by a DJ to provide background music and speakers that can be used by a performer to perform at a function.

Now when a performer performs at a wedding or function they are usually looking at hiring a system that not only allows your guests to hear the music but also feel the music. A number of factors can determine if a particular PA system is ideal for a function and they can include:

  • size of room
  • number of guests
  • and wall and floor coverings to name just a few.

We usually recommend JBL EONS powered speakers for most functions. They are cheap to hire around $99 for pair and can cater from small to large celebrations.

So remember the speaker quality is just as important as the performer.

They both go hand in hand to make for a spectacular performance. When we perform at a function we want to take the guests back to a live Elvis show so ensure that the performance is like a concert so your guests not only enjoy the music but feel the music and get into the mood to party all night long with the bride/groom/birthday boy-girl or at the function.

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